There is no rulebook that says what kind of relationship you and your ex must have after your divorce is final. If the two of you have children, ideally you will be able to continue co-parenting. Outside of that, post-divorce relationships range from non-existent to very close.
Years after actress Gwenyth Paltrow and singer Chris Martin announced their divorce, which they called a “conscious uncoupling,” their fans continue to be curious about the state of their relationship. Paltrow has said the two remain close, in a sibling-like way, and in a recent interview, Martin continued to deny that the two had divorced in the traditional way.
Technically, he’s right. The couple has yet to finalize their divorce, despite splitting up in 2014. Martin considers the split to be a “very wonderful separation-divorce… I don’t think that word very often — divorce. I don’t see it that way.” However, a reconciliation seems unlikely. Both Martin and Paltrow are reportedly dating other people.
Not many divorced people consider their ex to be like their sister or brother, but not everyone wants to erase their ex from their lives either. Depending on what caused the divorce, whether you have children and your individual personalities, it may be possible to continue to socialize. For example, attending the same family events, such as a child’s birthday party or music recital, is possible for many divorced couples.
One of the best things you can do to keep your relationship with your ex as civil as possible is to have a divorce process with a minimum of delay, drama and rancor. An experienced divorce attorney can help make this possible.