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Co-parenting tips: How to make it work

Once the divorce is over, the assets are split and the children have adjusted to their new normal, it is up to the parents to ensure that co-parenting works. You may have divorced your spouse, but your children are still your responsibility and part of your life.

Co-parenting can be difficult, especially when there is bitterness or anger between you and your ex. To help you maintain a good relationship with your kids, there are a few co-parenting tips to make it work.

Consistency is key

Divorce means all kinds of changes for you and your kids, but they need consistency more than anything at this point. Talk to your ex and make sure that you have similar rules, rewards and discipline methods. This ensures that your kids know exactly what you both expect of them and what they can expect from you.

Quality means more than quantity

Even if you split custody right down the middle, you are not going to see your kids as often as you did before. This can be difficult for both parents and kids, but if you make the most of the time you do have together, then the amount of time you spend together becomes less important.

Keep your feelings out of it

Your co-parenting plan is about your kids, not about how you feel about your ex. Parents should never put children in the middle, require them to choose sides or vent about issues with the other parent to the kids. This can make children confused and insecure because they love both parents equally.

Create a fluid arrangement

As kids get older and their needs change, your arrangement will have to change also. Stay fluid with your plans and discuss better ways to spend time together as they get older. Do not get so stuck in the original arrangement that you miss out on important opportunities to enjoy time with them.

Start solid from the beginning

Setting up a successful co-parenting plan is one of the most important parts of divorce if you want to maintain a good relationship with your kids and your ex. If you are seeking a divorce and are concerned about how to parent together, speak to an attorney today.

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