Road rage has become a common phenomenon in Virginia and most other states. Fortunately, the initial burst of anger rarely escalates, and the rage quickly dissipates. When the rage does not fade quickly, however, the original burst of anger can quickly into a serious and life threatening situation. A recent incident in which the driver of a Lexus fired shots at a Toyota Camry demonstrates what can happen.
According to police, the Camry entered I-95 from I-85 heading north. The unidentified driver of the Lexus fired a shot at the Camry, striking it in the rear driver’s side. Police believe that the gunshot was part of an expression of road rage that began a short time earlier on I-95. The Lexus continued north on I-95 to Exit 58. The Lexus driver has not been identified. The driver of the Toyota was not injured, and he had no passengers. The police did not offer an explanation for how the driver of the Lexus could have fired a shot that hit the Camry in the driver’s side.
The police are continuing to investigate the incident. If the driver of the Toyota was able to note the license plate number of the Lexus, the police will face a much easier task in finding and charging the Lexus driver. Shooting a firearm at or from a moving vehicle is a serious crime in Virginia, and the driver of the Lexus, if he is identified and arrested, will be facing serious criminal charges. Conviction may entail incarceration, loss of driving privileges and a significant fine.
Anyone who may be facing similar charges may wish to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney for an evaluation of the evidence and an estimate of the possibility of negotiating a favorable plea agreement.