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Where can parents turn for assistance with child support matters?

The Division of Child Support Enforcement is the agency in Virginia that provides child support services to parents in the commonwealth. It provides services to both custodial parents and noncustodial parents. Therefore, it is a crucial component in ensuring that parents receive the correct amount of child support they are owed in full and on time.

There are numerous services that DCSE provides to custodial parents who are owed child support. DCSE can help the parent who is to receive child support locate the parent who is to pay child support. It can also help unmarried parents establish paternity, which is necessary in order to award child support. If child support is not being paid as it is supposed to, DCSE can help enforce existing orders for child support. If requested, DCSE can review and modify an existing order for child support if there is a change in family circumstances. DCSE can also assist parents with co-parenting and it can refer parents to mediation if a dispute involving child support occurs.

DCSE can also provide services to noncustodial parents who have been ordered to pay child support. Sometimes these parents face obstacles in complying with such orders. DCSE can help parents overcome issues such as unemployment or lack of job skills. It can also help parents who have previously been incarcerated or abuse drugs or alcohol. If a paying parent is facing housing instability, DCSE can provide assistance regarding that issue. Finally, DCSE can help paying parents facing child custody and visitation disputes.

DCSE plays a central role in ensuring that child support orders are established and complied with. Of course, each parent’s situation is unique, and this post cannot make any promises with regards to the services a parent might receive from DCSE. Those who want to learn more about how the DCSE can assist them with their child support issues may want to seek professional advice, so they can better understand their rights.

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