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Planning ahead for summer vacation: 3 custody tips

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2019 | Uncategorized

Many people begin planning and saving for summer vacation early in the year. Summer is one of the most difficult times to co-parent. No matter who gets to take the kids on a vacation this year, remember that this is a time to relax. You do not need to go through the emotional turmoil of renewing old arguments with your ex. 

Before you solidify your summer vacation plans, it is vital to sort out some details first. Here are some things you can accomplish to make summer custody easier to manage.

1. Set up a schedule and commit to it

You may be planning your ideal vacation in your head, but unless you plan it out and discuss it with your former spouse, you may run into trouble. Whether you want to take the kids on a road trip or go to a theme park, make sure your ex agrees to the plan. It is crucial for both parents to be clear about what is happening during the summer. 

2. Adhere to the custody agreement

Whenever making any sort of vacation plans, make sure you double-check that nothing violates the court order. Some visitation agreements and custody plans have geographical limits. If you want to do anything that does not align with the agreement, you may need to seek a custody modification. 

3. Encourage communication with the other parent

If you are lucky enough to have the kids for a summer vacation, do not dampen the mood by bad-mouthing your ex or restricting communication. Your kids will probably miss the other parent and want to keep in touch with him or her. You should encourage this connection rather than sabotaging it. Remember, the best co-parenting situation is when the kids have a healthy and consistent relationship with both parents.

Summertime is supposed to be for relaxation and fun activities. These custody guidelines for summer vacation can help you keep the peace and avoid unnecessary drama.

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