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Custody decisions made during divorce can change your life

We all understand the stresses associated with divorce. It seems like there are countless decisions that need to be made including property division, possible spousal support or alimony, and if children are involved, child custody and child support.

It should come as no wonder that decisions involving children are among the most hotly contested between spouses. Parents love their children, and only want what’s best for them. Unfortunately, their opinions often vary, which can lead to disagreements which may become hostile. If divorcing couples are unable to come up with mutually agreeable decisions regarding aspects of their divorce, it will inevitably wind up on court.

The courts understand the importance of children who are involved in a divorce. Judges in the court system will generally only make decisions on what they feel is in the best interests of the children. Depending on the children’s age, they may ask the children for their opinion on the relationship with their parents. The courts will also look at the environment that the children are living in and will even look at each parent’s past. If there are serious character flaws, such as a criminal history, domestic violence or previous drug or alcohol abuse, this will be taken into consideration when the courts make their decision regarding child custody.

In order to maximize the potential of a favorable outcome, it is often in a person’s best interest to enter the courts with strong legal representation. Lawyers dealing with family law understand what it takes to support and help their clients. It could make all the difference in the world.

Source: findlaw.com “Child Custody Basics,” Accessed June 14, 2017

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