Court orders are legal documents issued by a judge or a court that mandate specific actions or decisions. They can cover various matters, from family law and custody arrangements to financial judgments and restraining orders. Understanding how these orders apply,...
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Child Custody
How does a judge decide where a child lives when parents move?
Co-parenting in Virginia typically requires patience as a family adjusts to their new arrangements. Adults also need to be willing to compromise, as they may sometimes need to rework the schedule or make choices about their children's upbringing. The actions of one...
Who decides where children go to school when parents disagree?
Many children attend public schools, and the address where they live typically determines which school within a school district they must attend. Some families decide that they would prefer to have their children attend charter schools. There are also many families...
Tips for sharing custody when school’s out for the summer
The school year is a long and exhausting grind for the entire family. Children have obligations every school day, and their parents will typically end up transporting them to and from school, as well as social and extracurricular activities. Although summer may mean a...
How to navigate a custody dispute with a former spouse
Once couples separate and no longer live together, they may start encountering challenges regarding their shared responsibilities to their children. Parents who have minor children usually share parenting time and financial responsibility for their children. When they...
What makes a “bad parent” in the eyes of the law?
Co-parenting can be a significant challenge, particularly if you and your ex spouse have difficultly finding common ground. You may have taken additional steps to function well as a team with your ex spouse, but this seemingly hasn't worked out. Your preference is to...
Will summer impact our custody agreement?
After the school year, summer with the kids can feel like a free-for-all. While they may have activities, the schedule becomes a balance of some days with no plans and others with several activities on the agenda. When you share custody, summer vacation can feel even...
3 times that you can ask for more parenting time in Virginia
If a judge drafted your parenting plan, the terms they set reflect what they think would be in the best interests of the children. If you and your ex negotiated your own arrangements, then you had some input in those terms. The goal is always to do what is best for...
Parental kidnapping red flags need to trigger an investigation
When you are trying your best to co-parent your child, one of the things that could make you frustrated is seeing the other parent try to control or restrict your access to your child. You want to do what’s best for your child by sharing joint custody and allowing the...
When will a court permit a child custody relocation?
After a divorce, there may come a time when you or the other party have to move for work or other reasons. If you have children, this can be a big concern, because you will need to determine who your child will stay with. Will they move to the new location with the...
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